My account

Free Trial
  1. Access to platform for 30 days
  2. Online store showcasing your product and services for a month
  3. View review and monitor analytics
  4. Online presence to thousands of newly engaged couples, event planners and corporate bodies
  5. E-marketing on our social media page.
Valid for 30days
Basic Plan
  1. Access to platform for 1-Month
  2. Online store showcasing your product and services for a month
  3. View review and monitor analytics
  4. Online presence to thousands of newly engaged couples, event planners and corporate bodies
In every 4 week(s)
Standard Plan
  1. Access to platform for 3-months
  2. Online store showcasing your services for 3 months
  3. View customer reviews and monitor analytics
  4. Online presence to thousands of newly engaged couples, event planners and corporate bodies
  5. E- marketing on our social media page
In every 3 month(s)
Premium Plan
  1. Access to platform for 6-months
  2. Online store showcasing your services for 6 months
  3. View customer reviews and monitor analytics
  4. Online presence to thousands of newly engaged couples, event planners and corporate bodies
  5. E-marketing on our social media page
  6. Front page visibility
In every 6 month(s)



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